Lion (Work in Progress)

My first ever lion painting - cub and daddy.  16" x 20" canvas

Blocking in acrylics.  The rock is done in mastic, gesso then acrylic.

First layer in oil, alla prima style.

Another layer in oil (more to come but this is thicker so it must dry first):

 Roarrrrrrr!!!  I'm not happy with this at all!  While the paint is drying I went out and got myself some watercolour pencils to do some lion studies - figure out what muscles go where, perspective and character etc.  Here are a few of them:

tiny sketch

lion study #3b

lion study #3b

lion study #2
lion study #1

After this, I return to the painting and clear the face for a redo.  I really challenge myself because I don't use any single reference photo but a combination of them.  I actually prefer to sketch live but haven't had a chance yet to visit the zoo.  So I am sort of winging it but trying again to get the look I really want.

The beginnings of an altered version, focusing on the big one first...

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